Remember the good old days before cell phones gave us the ability to instantly reach anyone, anywhere at any time? Most of us over age 30 remember what it felt like to leave the house and be completely alone in the car- unable to be reached- or reach anyone- until we arrived where we were going. In 2012, it’s a different world, and while instant communication has made life a little more challenging, it’s also opened up opportunities for improved safety and modern convenience. Learn how your smart phone can make your Texas Auto Insurance life a little easier.
24 Hour Claims
No one likes to think about having an accident. But if you find yourself in a fender bender, having a smart phone can certainly make the event less stressful. Most major carriers offer 24 hour claims service which can be accessed directly from your phone at the scene of an accident. In most cases, all the paperwork, details and information you would need to collect and send out can be retrieved directly from your phone. In fact, using a smart phone at the scene of an accident is actually more efficient, saving you not only time and energy, but the hassle of trying to deal with an insurance agent during this stressful time.
Convenient Customer Service
Millions of people today take advantage of online banking. It’s easy, efficient and completely safe and secure thanks to modern technology and savvy designers. The same convenience is offered for your car insurance policy- access your details from your phone, make changes to your coverage, make a payment, or get a new quote. When you’re wasting time away in a doctor’s office or sitting in the Laundromat, you’ll be glad to know you can review your Texas Car Insurance policy options and all the details easily.
Proof of Insurance?
It’s true, some insurance providers are now offering customers the chance to have verifiable proof of insurance directly on a smart phone. Imagine responding to a request made by a police officer to see proof of insurance by flashing the screen of your android. Idaho and Arizona are the first states to allow drivers to use a mobile app or a PDF as proof of insurance. And while it sounds a bit strange, it may not be too long when it’s business as usual.
Whether it’s for modern convenience, entertainment or -as is the case in Arizona and Idaho- to provide digital proof of insurance, smart phones are quickly forging their place as “must haves” in American society. While we may not be quite ready to throw out the paper, having a smart phone handy sure does make it a little easier- and isn’t that the ultimate goal ?